“I know have a much clearer understanding of myself as a Soul centred being. Not only did I find joy in reading the words I also could feel the presence of each of the Guides and their love just seemed to shine from the page. A magnificent creation. I am so inspired, thank you and all the Guides who shared their magnificent wisdom.” Angela k

The ‘writing’ of this has been a true labour of love. It is a culmination of the many communications and dialogues I have had with my ‘Team of Guides’ up until this moment. A journey of remembering–of the questions I asked out loud and in silent prayer and the answers I received along the way. These Guides speak to us on many levels, yet always from the perspective that we are eternal Souls who may have momentarily forgotten this.

As you read this book you will notice that each ‘voice’ has a unique dimension of purpose in terms of being of service to humanity–to support us to greater self-empowerment in our awakening to the truth of who we are. They unconditionally share their awareness of our highest potential and encourage us to look beyond our limitations and expand our perception of our reality. This unlocks new possibility for the greater realisation of ourselves as unique aspects of the multi-dimensional cosmos, each with a unique place and purpose.

This is not an ordinary book and there is no right way to read it. You do not have to read it in a linear way. You may simply choose to open it at random and allow yourself to be called to immerse yourself in the wisdom from one or more of the Collectives. All words are a form of energy and channelled information is more than just the words, more than a static frequency of energy. It is an energy that contains all the frequencies at once. As such, it is most helpful if you can allow yourself to be present to the material and become immersed in their different vibrations, for this will unlock layers of limitation and distortion that obscure the magnificence of your Soul presence and purpose and activate the Light Codes of expansion of your journey of remembering. You can be expanded and enriched by the experience of reading this book and once expanded, you cannot return to the state you were in beforehand. As simple as that!

My heartfelt intention is that it in some way it is of assistance to you on your journey of remembering and awakening to who you are… Carole ♥

‘Humanity is at a point in its evolution where it is necessary and completely valid to experience connection with other vibrations, frequencies and Inter-Dimensional Beings.’

                                 130page  A4 Thermal Bound Publication                                   Book + Express Postage in Australia $35 

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‘Wow what a fabulous book of channellings you have created! A work to go back to time and time again in bite size pieces allowing time to integrate the messages.” Michelle M


Loved your book Carole! It is so informative and has really given me so many insights!  Karen G