Light onto the planet

Light onto the planet

Much Light is pouring onto the planet in massive waves of energy, pushing the dirt, the dross and limited thinking to be dissolved. Flushing up and out is not always pleasant as for many it will require a deep purge. For each being consciously on the awakening path, it will require deeper levels of direct conscious awareness that you are walking a path of growth, that you are creating a new world.

A ‘new world’ needs to be informed and formed by the great change that has swept the world. Yet it must be birthed through the heart with the openness to receive from the Divine. It is no longer necessary to be so focused on collapsing what is not working. It is now time to be focused on the new that has yet to reveal itself. It must be received through the Divine Feminine.

Many children and young adults have woken up in the process and they see their role as not one’s to blindly follow the status-quo. They may push and trigger the adults to think act and be in a new more inspired way. Many will be challenged by this. You will have many who perceive themselves as having lost their implied investment in a future they thought would come to be.

The way to really be in this period of time is to live with a deeper sense of deliberateness. With a deeper sense and acceptance of a destiny that cannot be held back by humanity’s limited perceptions.

Growth, expansion and greater awareness is coming with or without the consent of humanity, and yet it requires humanity’s full awareness and full participation in its unfoldment. It is no longer viable to feel and act as though all of this has been done to you or is outside of you. It is all an ‘inside job’! And when a deeper level of acceptance of this is embraced, much change will occur along with a deeper sense of collective cohesion.

Do not view the world as it is and think that this outcome cannot be so. Simply see that it is there waiting to be revealed. It does not need to be on a full mass scale, yet each awakening individual, needs to embrace and allow the increasing acceptance of it to spur things on.

Much growth and expansion are available for the planet. At times subtle yet no less powerful. This small chunk of time until the end of the year is enough to focus on for much can occur in the next few weeks that will be a starting point anew for the New Year.     All our love, your Sirius Friends in Light


Time to get Serious!

Time to get Serious!

This year will be like no other, a year that will garner a great deal of strength within individuals. For the power that is needed to process this world experience needs to be drawn from within the individual through the very idea of being connected with Source energy. Now how this connection is made is individual and unique to each individual yet it is that it must be made manifest within this world of form.

No being can escape its unfolding, its requirement to live in a world that not only requires this but also needs it!  And what we mean by that is; it is truly needed on a much larger scale for it is that humanity has allowed this to lay dormant in a sense while you all frolicked and played within a minefield of separation.

And yet now is the time for this to end. The idea of separation needs to become obsolete, no longer necessary and of course the pinnacle of this is the idea that you as human beings are separate from your source. Separation from your source leads only to a separation from all that Source can offer in a myriad of ways. And this way of being cannot lead you to becoming beings that can regenerate your world with connection, love, abundance and a truly expanded experience.

So, it is quite simple really! Mend and heal the illusion that you are separate and this in and off itself will reveal all manner of joyous thoughts, inspirations and connections that lead to expansion. Cutting oneself off from the Divine flow only offers a limited experience.

To pull oneself out of a slumber of forgetfulness, of believing in separation, of believing in disempowerment being your inherent way of being takes commitment and requires intention of purpose. See you and anyone who chooses this has little in the way of knowing what this would look like, yet wondrous it is. You have to trust yourself and trust that your natural state is one of connection and being in the Divine flow.

( Sirius Beings of Light )

Welcome to 2021

Welcome to 2021

This year will have a focus on bringing to the surface much that has lain dormant within the individual in terms of artistic pursuits, new hobbies and new focus whether on health, wellbeing as well as being much more grounded and fully present in body, mind and emotions.Presence of mind will bring you a greater awareness of your physical, mental and emotional bodies so that you can more easily attune to your higher faculties.
Through this the higher aspect of intellect will be nurtured, the higher aspect of devotion to Self-empowerment by being centred in your truth and being that in the world.
For many, life will take on a much more global experience, whether that is simply awareness of re-connections and new connections with global sisters and brothers and experiences. Fulfilment will come from a much more grounded experience with inspirations to build a better world, to align with a greater purpose for humanity as you move forward in the wake of the pandemic.
Clarity will come to many who otherwise have been shrouded in a lack of awareness and is often the case new awareness is a powerful force. For ones who have walked the spiritual path for many years this year will bring a centring, a new sense of inspiration, even fire in the belly and above all a willingness to transcend both seen and unseen fears and limitations to be the inspiration for others.
Humanity can come to the brink of understanding with a shift into a new perspective that moves this world forward in a dynamic direction in deeper alignment with Divine Will. It is possible! More than so! Yet it requires each individual to recommit to oneself. To commit that you will uncover for yourself your Divinity, your greater purpose and commit to the ever-expanding expression of this in the world.
We love and admire your courage. With all our love, your Arcuturan Brothers and Sisters


Time of Great Awakening

Time of Great Awakening

Your job is to come to the realisation that poverty is when you feel alone in the Universe–when you deny yourself the sacred right to help.

It is indeed fortunate that you live in this time of great awakening–a time to reap the benefits of all that you have desired. You see from our perspective it is most exciting to witness. That is why many beings from many dimensions come to assist humanity in the remembrance of the existence of other realms.

We would never leave you to your own devices. Do not ever think for one moment in time that you are alone and must go through this all by yourselves. Take the hands of the Beings who offer this to you. For without the knowledge of their existence beyond your realm, you look for solutions only within the known realm and miss all that is on offer beyond.

You see earth is not an outpost to be endured–it is an experience of great benefit in the evolution of the Soul. Do not dance with the idea that you will fail at this, that the earth will not reach its zenith. No, only see that which is available–your awakening.

Do not be discouraged for there are many who offer help along the way. Come to the still point within you that seeks the truth and it will Light the way. It will filter for you all that you do not need. It will not condone or push against what others see fit to pursue on their journey, for its only point of reference will be the awakening of you to this magnificent realm.

Each personal awakening brings Light to the planet and reaches far out into the Universe. Be encouraged by this and embrace the fullness of your being, thus embracing the fullness of the entire Cosmos.

Your Divine Friends, The Elohim.


The Golden Opportunity of These Times

The Golden Opportunity of These Times

It is we the Sirius Beings of Light and we are most delighted to have a moment to share with you. To speak to you of our love and blessings to each and every one of you as you journey through this time. It goes without saying that it is most monumental, a time of great upheaval and yet a time that can deliver to you your greatest growth and renewed awareness of yourselves as Soul centred beings.


This in a sense is what awaits you. It is within the blank canvas that is before you. It is within the unwritten music that is gathering momentum. Yet on a day to day basis it can feel for you as if you are being stripped bare. There has been so much that has been altered in your world and yet we say to you that it will bring you to a greater awareness, a greater awareness of your desire to be of service.


For is service not simply, that as you grow and expand others will benefit? Do you need to have some written idea of how you have grown? What you have become and where you are going? Well, no, for in a sense this journey that is here and lies ahead for you is one that must be taken in faith and deep trust within yourself and for yourself. This is a journey that offers no known terrain, no decided outcomes and for this you must surrender your need to know.


Now does this mean that you give up on your requests to the Universe that much will turn out in ways that you desire? Well, no! Yet what it does mean, is that as you contemplate the future and cannot think of anything past the desire for this to go away– it will simply persist! For this creates an energy of defiance, of surrendering your inherent power as the powerful creator you are.


It requires you to consider the idea that this scenario is the fore-bringer of much in your reality that is desired by many as a most beneficial outcome. In simple terms, you can see it as the climb to the top of the mountain, that is often arduous and often considered a painful experience. Yet when you place yourself upon the summit and view from whence you came you are delighted beyond measure. This journey will not require you to descend the mountain top rather it will require you to be present to the new way of being from walking with the faith that has been required of you to be there.


For all of you this is so. Yet all will not take up the offer, the offer that is inherent within the vibrational frequency of this global experience. You have desired and co-created for yourselves a world-wide experience to reveal to you many chasms that require attention. Now we say this not to inspire you to rail against all that you do not wish to have in the collective experience. We simply highlight this for you to view within yourself the parts within that you do not give love to. For this is what you and the world needs right now.


Start with offering yourself all of the love you desire in the many ways you can. For as you fill up your cup it will be in a position to spill out and flow outwards to the many who cannot offer this to themselves. For if you and you alone can see that this is not a punishment rather a catalyst for great change within the collective experience you can then effect change. This then shifts the dynamics for you and for many.


Look at it this way, the collective is made up of beings, many beings and for a collective experience to be had by the majority it must firstly be experienced on a personal level. When we say, seek to heal and love yourselves then you can offer it to more, we are often met with interest and then replies of: ‘I cannot do that when I see this and that going on in the world!’ Please believe us when we say you can effect change by being the love you desire to see in this current circumstance.


It truly comes down to this being a deeply personal experience for all. So many are realising their need, want and desire for connection. Deep connection that is a personal experience. Many can see the great chasms in society that enable much for some and offer so little to others. This knowing and understanding first starts within each individual. The realisation that the world is a beautiful, living sentient being that you desire to nourish, respect, love and care for comes from within the hearts of many who are connecting with this on a personal level.


We feel you get the direction we are taking you on. If you can see that somewhat the need to be separate from others in this journey with the global pandemic, requires, and if we could be so bold, demands of you, to look within. If you can see and accept this you will find many opportunities to grow and expand within this experience. You are not alone! You simply cannot be!


Your planet exists with a thriving multi-verse. And within your realm you are each assigned many beings who are simply with you in service. You may consider that we are from the unseen world and yet you are not unseen to us! We truly extend our love to you as always, your friends in Light… (more…)

This Pandemic is Calling us to be Present in the Now Moment

This Pandemic is Calling us to be Present in the Now Moment

How is your collective frequency faring through this pandemic? Naturally it feels most relevant to see what is going on in the physical worldly sense as a disaster of epic proportions in terms of loss of life and disruptions to your everyday way of being. This cannot be denied and on one level there is little to say on this, only to say, because of its mammoth toll on human life it can easily be a distraction from other levels of its effects.

This is not to say that it is wise to ignore or push this aside. No. It is most wise to look it square in the face and feel the emotions that it stirs up for you. To really ponder its severity and how it has affected you personally not just on a global scale. For it is then that you place yourself within it, not in a dangerous way but it allows you to see that you and every being on the planet is affected. And as with all things some more than others.


It is calling you to be present for it is not something that can be hurried up. It is taking its time in many ways. Yet all the time it is leading you deeper into yourself. For, where else is there to go? We will say to you that all manner of ideas that can bring about its containment and ways to heal from its effects are already here. They are within access of many minds. It is knowledge that can be picked from the ethers as it has been placed there for access when minds are open to its reality. 


See that within all these occurrences is also the many ways that can counter its effect and abilities to destroy. For it is as you set out to catapult growth and expansion on the planet encoded within this is also the ways and means to regenerate and bring a halt to greater and greater calamity and destruction that is not needed.


We see before you a momentous challenge. For the vast majority of humanity feels liberated from constraints yet this is opposing this and only offering you restriction and limitation. So, it is that you must ask yourself; ‘Why is this so? What is it offering me? If no matter what, there is always an experience of growth and expansion available, then how can I see it within this?’


See liberation without growth and awareness is useless. For it only ever offers more restriction. It is only your false belief that it has freed you that inhibits you seeing this. Yet if your goal and intention is liberation through expanded awareness and Soul connection then the truth is revealed and you are free. This can occur from any circumstance. Do not consider that you are being imprisoned by this. For what is freedom without safety?


Firstly, you must be aware of what is most appropriate and if this is to be apart and separate physically this does not limit your capacity to gain greater awareness and growth from this experience. And what if truly, the whole experience of being conscious and aware of how you go about your everyday existence, in this moment of time, in respect of this virus, is to become more conscious and aware then this is the ‘vehicle’ for its expression.


Yes, we understand the frustration and the urge to be loose and free, yet take the time to understand what it is offering you. By doing this, you not only become present to it, you become deeply aware and can see the path that you must take with it. See, for the whole of humanity there needs to be a far deeper level of awareness placed upon the co-existence of man upon this planet in a co-creative, cohesive, inter-connected way. This is the pathway to greater respect and open- hearted living.


You required that road to open up for you, so do not get caught up in the form that it has taken in this moment. See only your personal desires to have this be for yourself and then see it spread outwardly to all of humanity. It is not your concern whether it is taken up or not. Your only need to focus upon this for yourself. It is wise to bring it back to your centre, a focus within yourself, as when you widen the lens at this moment it can feel overwhelming.


It is not your job to heal the entire world, only to gather momentum within yourself inviting others into that frequency and from there unfold into higher levels of self-awareness and empowerment.  Then you will find the magic formulas awaiting recognition to bring an ever-widening movement of greater cohesion upon the planet. And this will bring the change you seek. For the change is what you seek. Be the Light in your acceptance of this now moment. Be the Light – for you are the Light. With all our love and blessings, your Sirius Friends…
