The Nature and Purpose of Channelling

Good evening! We are most pleased to be in your presence. What a wonderful group of Entities you are. Truly ‘Beings of Light’; as our dear friend Ishtaria has already spoken about--the ‘Light’ and about the ‘Beings’ that you are. We would like to bask in your beauty, just for a moment--a moment in time to really connect with your energies--and we ask you to do the same with us. So, please breathe in your energy; your essence; your being and then extend that out into the group and see...

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Your Life Matters

It is all too well to say that your journey upon this earth has little merit in the larger scheme of things. Yet this is very far from the truth. If you could see how it is that you and you alone, have an effect upon the entire cosmos, you would be left in little doubt of your magnitude. Let us proceed from this standing point--that this is so and it is an error of judgment to see it as anything less than so. The magnitude of your magnificence ripples out affecting every particle of matter....

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What is Soul? What is Destiny?

  Is it not true that you wish to find your greater Self and the seemingly missing aspects of you? It is that you want to give yourself permission to be fully present to whom you are and to extend that outwards in a way which feels familiar and enables you to cast joy not only for yourself but also for others? The sense of belonging is within you and yet you do not feel aligned with it. This forces you to seek it out--looking for it and longing for it. It resides within you and as yet you...

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