Citizens of the Universe are We

Citizens of the Universe are We

We are so grateful to be here this evening to be in your presence. We have so much gratitude for this gathering, for the ones’ who are here, to hear us speak, and feel our presence of love. For as we always remind ones’ who listen to us, we can only express ourselves in a loving manner–there is no other choice for us–it is simply love.

Why is that often human beings would see themselves as separate from the whole galaxy, the universe, from the whole? Is it a feeling of unworthiness? Is it a feeling of separation? Or is just that you have forgotten and you need a gentle reminder that you are part of the whole?

And what does that mean to be part of the whole? Does it mean something different from walking around as a separate entity? Well, yes, it is, for if you were to experience yourselves as part of the whole in any given moment, would you not think that your life would look quite different? (more…)

The Reconnection to Self

The Reconnection to Self

Q: The world seems to be in endless cycles of chaos. Is there something we can clear–something to create positive change?

A: You speak of clearing in terms of muck that has to be got rid of, as if there is much wrong and yet it is that a higher perspective and better question would be—‘how may I raise my vibration to be in alignment with the highest possible outcome in terms of growth and evolution?’

So it is from this point that we will proceed…

Collectively there is a calling to let go of disempowerment. What we mean by this, is the calling forth, within oneself of true empowerment. Many have felt that it no longer serves the common good to be served by governments and leaders who do not share the highest values of the tribe.

Yet, it also no longer serves to cut down those in office in cruel acts of violence. But what does serve is the empowerment of the individual to benefit from connecting with other empowered individuals and then it is that much is accomplished. (more…)

Multi-Dimensional Nature of the Earth

Multi-Dimensional Nature of the Earth

Q: Could you say anything about the MD nature of the Earth? Particularly the idea that the Earth is hollow and that there are other beings, with other vibrations that actually live within the Earth, that seem to be within what seems to be a dimension of the Earth?      

A: Yes, in a sense that is completely correct. And, we will say that if you can imagine, we will say the species, that live within the earth, the core of the Earth, they are one aspect and dimension that the Earth can offer its inhabitants. Now, the Earth herself is evolving into a much higher aspect of the physical realm that is, shall we say, holding the beings upon the planet.

And, this in itself, causes chaos on many levels because, as You would experience within yourselves, when you grow and expand and move to different dimensions of yourself—purely in an aspect of seeing that there is something far greater within you that you wish to experience , you often go through upheavals and expansions within your physical beings, within your mind, within your mental acuity and that can cause great chaos within your being, within the way that you interact with the world. (more…)

You are in a field of consciousness that is vastly changing.

You are in a field of consciousness that is vastly changing.

There is a lot of heaviness on the planet at this time. A lot of feeling as if the energy is compressed and compressing and pushing down on each individual upon the planet and that can feel as if you are tied. Really held down as if you cannot move and that is not the truth. 
It is about really absorbing the energy and being with that however it feels and that can feel as if you are trapped. But really it is your own–and we say this with kindness—it is as if you are trapping yourself in a cage that you do not need to.

Because it is simply energy that you are calling down and you are expecting it to be lighter and you are feeling as if things aren’t changing quickly enough. And, yet, we can say from our vantage point, they surely are. So, in a sense it has to be that there has to be more patience for yourselves and for the great cosmic dance that is going on. (more…)

The Higher Frequency and Resonance of Earth

The Higher Frequency and Resonance of Earth



You have been playing around, with the idea, of frequency and resonance. Well it is that you will find that the Earth herself; is beaming out at another, higher frequency. She is still, the same Earth; but it is just a finer, finer frequency. And it is that, all beings upon the planet, now have to align with that frequency–to become ‘frequency specific’ with being here, on this planet. It is as simple as that–it is not hard!

We are not asking you to turn yourselves, inside out. It is simply that you place your awareness upon alignment and then, it will be so. It is as simple as that. For, if you have the intention, it will happen.

You see, the thing is, there is no Being of Light on this planet or off planet or in the seen or unseen world who can align you with that. We can assist you; but it is you–who aligns you. Because it is your intention; it is simply your intention.

Yes, we will speak about the resonance of this planet. First of all, it has come from within the core of the earth; the centre of the planet. The note has struck within that core and it has resonated outwards. It doesn’t come necessarily from the out and be pushed down. This note we are speaking about, right now, is coming from the very centre–the core of the being of the planet. It is resonating out through all the layers and through all of the dimensions within the planet and throughout every rock and crystal. Every particle of the earth is being washed with this resonance.  (more…)

The 11:11 Phenomenon

The 11:11 Phenomenon

We take great pleasure in having another communication for today.

There are many of you who have for some time noticed the number 11 cropping up again and again in all sorts of apparently unrelated moments and circumstances. Perhaps this has been looking upon a digital timepiece or instrument and seeing the numbers 11:11.

We have long ago planted the seed of remembrance into the 11:11, for this is a call of awakening. As many have been impulsed by the use of digital recognition of the numerical template we do say that in the same way you will now also be impulsed by the 12-12 as representing the new template of awakening. (more…)